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The museum in Savery
for the season
We will we will be closed until
Memorial Day Weekend.
Please call 303-388-7788
If you need help
or to reserve the museum.

 Pioneer Day

At the end of every school year, the museum staff hosts an event called Pioneer Days for the local third through fifth grade students.  Museum staff and volunteers guide students through old-time activities and teach pioneer skills.  Themes have included Camp Life, The Gold Rush, Indian Life, Old-Time Jobs, and Notorious People. Through Pioneer Days, the museum brings history to life for Little Snake River children. 

Little Snake River Museum
"Preserving our History for the Valley's Future"
Savery, Wyoming
Open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (seasonal)
The Outlaw Stop in Baggs is open Friday-Sunday.

Life and Times
Rescheduled to
January 29th
At the Ed Center in Baggs
6:00 PM
Dinner Served